The Tasty Lawyer is perfectly located in the centre of the Royal Town of Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands. So getting to the cookery school, whether you drive or take public transportation is straight forward.
Driving to The Tasty Lawyer, from Birmingham and the surrounding areas is easy, just type in the cookery school address into your Sat Nav, for the best route on local roads. If you are coming further afield, the location has close motorway links, with the M6 Toll, M42 and A38 close by.
The location is further served by fantastic public transport links, with buses running from all over the West Midlands into Sutton Coldfield. If taking the train to The Tasty Lawyer, you have the choice of two train stations – Sutton Coldfield train station or Four Oaks train station, are both in close proximity to the cookery school.
The Tasty Lawyer, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands